With every year that Run It Up Reno is held at the Peppermill, the more synonymous the series becomes with two things – a good time playing poker and turkey burgers.

Just before Bahutan Zadeh defeated Lex Veldhuis for the first trophy of the series, most of the players were a floor below them taking part in the Turkey Burger Welcome Party that has become a staple of the Run It Up Reno series.

The idea was inspired by Jason Somerville’s love of turkey burgers, which were and still are his post-stream meals. It’s evolved into one of the most popular social events of the series.

The room was packed with streamers, Team RIU pros and most of the players from the day’s event. They all enjoyed themselves, chowing down on the turkey burger goodness, drinks from the bar, and the desert selections.

With a buffet line full of all the fixings to make a perfect turkey burger, there was a good time had by all that attended.

Take a look at some of the spread courtesy of RIU photographer Antonio Abrego. He is capturing all of the action for Run It Up Reno both at the tables and at the social events. You can check out all of his photos on Flickr.

players fixing their plates

turkey burger fixings spread

desert spread

salad toppings